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The no-fault liability compensation system has advantages over the fault liability doctrine in dealing with medical disputes. What other countries have experienced in employing no-fault liability models offers lessons for policymakers here in China.

This article will examine the pros and cons of the no-fault liability compensation system and explore the possibilities for China of adopting such a scheme.




fault liability; no-fault liability compensation system; medical mishap; social security; medical insurance; accelerated compensable events; designated compensable events; pilot project;




















  第一条 为健全省属国有金融机构监督管理机制,加强对省属国有金融机构的监督,依据《国有重点金融机构监事会暂行条例》(国务院令第282号)等法规,结合我省实际,制定本办法。

  第二条 本办法所称省属国有金融机构(以下简称“金融机构”),是指由省政府派出监事会的省属国有(控股)金融机构和省政府管理的金融机构。

  省政府派出监事会的金融机构名单由省政府金融工作办公室会同省财政厅等有关部 门提出,报省政府决定。

  第三条 省属国有金融机构监事会(以下简称“监事会”)由省政府派出,对省政府负责,代表省政府对金融机构的财务状况、资产质量及国有资本保值增值状况实施监督。

  第四条 监事会归口省财政厅管理。

  第五条 监事会以财务监督为核心,根据法律、行政法规的有关规定,对金融机构财务活动及其主要负责人的经营管理行为进行监督,确保国有资产及其所有者权益不受侵犯。 监事会与金融机构是监督与被监督的关系,监事会不参与、不干预金融机构正常的经营决策和经营管理活动。

  第六条 监事会履行下列职责:

  (一) 检查金融机构贯彻执行国家有关金融、经济法律、行政法规、规章和省政府有关规定情况;

  (二) 检查金融机构的财务,查阅其财务会计资料及其经营管理活动有关的其他资料,验证其财务报告、资金营运报告的真实性、合法性;

  (三) 检查金融机构的经营效益、利润分配、国有资本保值增值、资金营运、内部控制制度和风险防范体系等情况;

  (四) 检查金融机构主要负责人的经营行为,并对其经营管理业绩进行评价,提出奖惩、任免建议;

  (五) 省政府及省财政厅交办的其他事项。

  第七条 监事会一般每年对金融机构定期检查两次,并可以根据实际需要不定期地进行专项检查。

  第八条 监事会开展监督检查,可以采取下列方式:

  (一) 听取金融机构主要负责人有关财务、资产状况和经营管理情况的汇报,在金融机构召开有关监督检查事项的会议;

  (二) 查阅金融机构的财务报告、会计凭证、会计账簿等财务会计资料以及与经营管理活动有关的其他资料;

  (三) 核查金融机构的财务、资产状况,向职工了解情况、听取意见,必要时要求金融机构主要负责人做出说明;

  (四) 向财政、国资、工商、税务、审计等有关部门调查了解金融机构的财务状况和经营管理情况。


  第九条 监事会每次对金融机构进行检查后,应当及时做出检查报告。检查报告应当包括下列内容:

  (一) 金融机构财务以及经营管理情况评价;

  (二) 金融机构主要负责人的经营管理业绩评价以及奖惩、任免建议;

  (三) 金融机构存在的问题以及处理建议;

  (四) 省政府及省财政厅要求报告的或者监事会认为需要报告的其他事项。



  第十条 检查报告经监事会成员审核,并征求有关部门意见后,由监事会主席签署,经


  第十一条 监事会在监督检查中发现金融机构的经营行为有可能危及金融安全、造成国有资产流失或者侵害国有资产所有者权益以及监事会认为应当立即报告的其他紧急情况,应当及时向省政府报告。

  第十二条 金融机构应当定期、如实向监事会报送财务报告、资金营运报告,并及时报告重大业务经营活动情况,不得拒绝、隐匿、伪报。

  第十三条 监事会根据对金融机构进行监督检查的情况,必要时,可以聘请会计师事务所对金融机构进行审计,也可以建议省政府责成审计机关依法对金融机构进行审计。


  第十四条 监事会开展监督检查工作所需经费纳入省级财政预算,由省财政厅拨付。

  第十五条 监事会由主席1人、监事若干人组成。



  第十六条 监事会主席人选按照规定程序确定,由省政府任命。监事会主席由厅级国公务人员担任,为专职。



  第十七条 监事会主席应当具有较高的政策业务水平,坚持原则,廉洁自律,熟悉金

  第十八条 监事会主席履行下列职责:

  (一) 召集、主持监事会会议;

  (二) 负责监事会的日常工作;

  (三) 审定、签署监事会的报告和其他重要文件;

  (四) 应当由监事会主席履行的其他职责。

  第十九条 专职监事的任职条件:

  (一) 熟悉并能贯彻执行国家有关金融、经济的法律、行政法规和规章制度;

  (二) 具有财务、金融、审计或者经济等方面的专业知识,比较熟悉金融机构经营管理工作;

  (三) 坚持原则,廉洁自律,忠于职守;

  (四) 具有较强的综合分析和判断能力,并具备独立工作能力。

  第二十条 监事会主席和专职监事实行回避原则,不得在其曾经工作过的或者其近亲属担任高级管理职务的金融机构的监事会中任职。

  第二十一条 监事会成员不得接受金融机构的任何馈赠,不得参加金融机构安排、组织或者支付费用的宴请、娱乐、旅游、出访等活动,不得在金融机构中为自己、亲友或者其他人谋取私利。


  第二十二条 监事会成员必须对检查报告内容保密,并不得泄露金融机构的商业秘

  第二十三条 监事会成员在监督检查工作中成绩突出,为维护国家利益做出重要贡献的,给予奖励。

  第二十四条 监事会成员有下列行为之一的,依法给予行政处分或者纪律处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:

  (一) 对金融机构的重大违法违纪问题隐匿不报或者严重失职的;

  (二) 与金融机构串通编造虚假报告或者恶意伪报,造成不良后果和影响的;

  (三) 有违反本规则第二十一条、第二十二条所列行为的。

  第二十五条 金融机构有下列行为之一的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予纪律处分,直至撤销职务;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:

  (一) 拒绝、阻碍监事会依法履行职责的;

  (二) 拒绝、无故拖延向监事会提供财务状况和经营管理情况等有关资料的;

  (三) 隐匿、伪报有关资料的;

  (四) 有阻碍监事会监督检查的其他行为的。

  第二十六条 金融机构发现监事会成员有违反本条例第二十一条、第二十二条所列行

  第二十七条 本办法自印发之日起施行。






中华人民共和国主席 江泽民


目 录
第一章 总 则
第二章 行政赔偿
第一节 赔偿范围
第二节 赔偿请求人和赔偿义务机关
第三节 赔偿程序
第三章 刑事赔偿
第一节 赔偿范围
第二节 赔偿请求人和赔偿义务机关
第三节 赔偿程序
第四章 赔偿方式和计算标准
第五章 其他规定
第六章 附 则

第一章 总 则
第一条 为保障公民、法人和其他组织享有依法取得国家赔偿的权利,促进国家机关依法行使职权,根据宪法,制定本法。
第二条 国家机关和国家机关工作人员违法行使职权侵犯公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益造成损害的,受害人有依照本法取得国家赔偿的权利。

第二章 行政赔偿

第一节 赔偿范围
第三条 行政机关及其工作人员在行使行政职权时有下列侵犯人身权情形之一的,受害人有取得赔偿的权利:
第四条 行政机关及其工作人员在行使行政职权时有下列侵犯财产权情形之一的,受害人有取得赔偿的权利:
第五条 属于下列情形之一的,国家不承担赔偿责任:

第二节 赔偿请求人和赔偿义务机关
第六条 受害的公民、法人或者其他组织有权要求赔偿。
第七条 行政机关及其工作人员行使行政职权侵犯公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益造成损害的,该行政机关为赔偿义务机关。
第八条 经复议机关复议的,最初造成侵权行为的行政机关为赔偿义务机关,但复议机关的复议决定加重损害的,复议机关对加重的部分履行赔偿义务。

第三节 赔偿程序
第九条 赔偿义务机关对依法确认有本法第三条、第四条规定的情形之一的,应当给予赔偿。
第十条 赔偿请求人可以向共同赔偿义务机关中的任何一个赔偿义务机关要求赔偿,该赔偿义务机关应当先予赔偿。
第十一条 赔偿请求人根据受到的不同损害,可以同时提出数项赔偿要求。
第十二条 要求赔偿应当递交申请书,申请书应当载明下列事项:
第十三条 赔偿义务机关应当自收到申请之日起两个月内依照本法第四章的规定给予赔偿;逾期不予赔偿或者赔偿请求人对赔偿数额有异议的,赔偿请求人可以自期间届满之日起三个月内向人民法院提起诉讼。
第十四条 赔偿义务机关赔偿损失后,应当责令有故意或者重大过失的工作人员或者受委托的组织或者个人承担部分或者全部赔偿费用。

第三章 刑事赔偿

第一节 赔偿范围
第十五条 行使侦查、检察、审判、监狱管理职权的机关及其工作人员在行使职权时有下列侵犯人身权情形之一的,受害人有取得赔偿的权利:
第十六条 行使侦查、检察、审判、监狱管理职权的机关及其工作人员在行使职权时有下列侵犯财产权情形之一的,受害人有取得赔偿的权利:
第十七条 属于下列情形之一的,国家不承担赔偿责任:

第二节 赔偿请求人和赔偿义务机关
第十八条 赔偿请求人的确定依照本法第六条的规定。
第十九条 行使国家侦查、检察、审判、监狱管理职权的机关及其工作人员在行使职权时侵犯公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益造成损害的,该机关为赔偿义务机关。

第三节 赔偿程序
第二十条 赔偿义务机关对依法确认有本法第十五条、第十六条规定的情形之一的,应当给予赔偿。
第二十一条 赔偿义务机关应当自收到申请之日起两个月内依照本法第四章的规定给予赔偿;逾期不予赔偿或者赔偿请求人对赔偿数额有异议的,赔偿请求人可以自期间届满之日起三十日内向其上一级机关申请复议。
第二十二条 复议机关应当自收到申请之日起两个月内作出决定。
第二十三条 中级以上的人民法院设立赔偿委员会,由人民法院三名至七名审判员组成。
第二十四条 赔偿义务机关赔偿损失后,应当向有下列情形之一的工作人员追偿部分或者全部赔偿费用:

第四章 赔偿方式和计算标准
第二十五条 国家赔偿以支付赔偿金为主要方式。
第二十六条 侵犯公民人身自由的,每日的赔偿金按照国家上年度职工日平均工资计算。
第二十七条 侵犯公民生命健康权的,赔偿金按照下列规定计算:
第二十八条 侵犯公民、法人和其他组织的财产权造成损害的,按照下列规定处理:
第二十九条 赔偿费用,列入各级财政预算,具体办法由国务院规定。

第五章 其他规定
第三十条 赔偿义务机关对依法确认有本法第三条第(一)、(二)项、第十五条第(一)、(二)、(三)项情形之一,并造成受害人名誉权、荣誉权损害的,应当在侵权行为影响的范围内,为受害人消除影响,恢复名誉,赔礼道歉。
第三十一条 人民法院在民事诉讼、行政诉讼过程中,违法采取对妨害诉讼的强制措施、保全措施或者对判决、裁定及其他生效法律文书执行错误,造成损害的,赔偿请求人要求赔偿的程序,适用本法刑事赔偿程序的规定。
第三十二条 赔偿请求人请求国家赔偿的时效为两年,自国家机关及其工作人员行使职权时的行为被依法确认为违法之日起计算,但被羁押期间不计算在内。
第三十三条 外国人、外国企业和组织在中华人民共和国领域内要求中华人民共和国国家赔偿的,适用本法。

第六章 附 则
第三十四条 赔偿请求人要求国家赔偿的,赔偿义务机关、复议机关和人民法院不得向赔偿请求人收取任何费用。
第三十五条 本法自1995年1月1日起施行。

第十四条 已满十六岁的人犯罪,应当负刑事责任。
第十五条 精神病人在不能辨认或者不能控制自己行为的时候造成危害结果的,不负刑事责任;但是应当责令他的家属或者监护人严加看管和医疗。
第十一条 有下列情形之一的,不追究刑事责任,已经追究的,应当撤销案件,或者不起诉,或者宣告无罪:

Law of the People's Republic of China on State Compensation

(Adopted on May 12, 1994 at the Seventh Session of the StandingCommittee of the Eighth National People's Congress and promulgated on thesame day)

Whole document
Law of the People's Republic of China on State Compensation
(Adopted on May 12, 1994 at the Seventh Session of the Standing
Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress and promulgated on the
same day)

Chapter 1 General Principles
Article 1
In conformity with the Constitution, this Law is enacted to protect
citizens, legal persons and other organizations to enjoy the right to
compensation by the state and to promote the state organs to exercise
their functions and powers in accordance with law.
Article 2
If a state organ or a member of its personnel, when exercising
functions and powers in violation of the law, infringes upon the lawful
rights and interests of a citizen, legal person or other organization and
causes damages the aggrieved person shall have the right to recover
damages from the state in accordance with this Law.
The obligations of state compensation shall be performed by the organs
under compensatory obligations stipulated by this Law.

Chapter 2 Administrative Compensation

Section 1: Scope of Compensation
Article 3
The aggrieved person shall have the right to recover damages in one of
the following circumstances where an administrative organ or its personnel
infringes upon his personal rights when exercising functions and powers:
(1) where there is unlawful detention or an unlawful compulsory
administrative measure to restrict the personal freedom of a citizen;
(2) where there is unlawful custody or otherwise unlawful deprivation
of the personal freedom of a citizen;
(3) where such violent act as battery or abetting others in battery
causes bodily injury to or decease of a citizen;
(4) where the use of weapon or police apparatus in violation of laws
causes bodily injury to or decease of a citizen; or
(5) other unlawful acts which cause bodily injury to or decease of a
Article 4
The aggrieved person shall have the right to recover damages in one of
the following circumstances where an administrative organ or its personnel
infringes upon his property right when exercising its functions and
(1) imposing an administrative punishment in violation of the law,
such as fining, revocation of a permit or license, order to suspend
production or business operation or confiscation of property and article;
(2) taking a compulsory administrative measure in violation of the law
such as sealing up, distraining or freezing of property;
(3) expropriating property and article or apportioning expenses in
violation of rules and regulations of the state; or
(4) other unlawful acts which cause damage to property.
Article 5
The state shall not be liable for compensation in one of the following
(1) where the personal act by personnel of the state organ, which does
not relate to his exercise of functions and powers;
(2) where the act by a citizen, legal person or other organization
itself causes damage; or
(3) other situations as provided for by law.

Section 2: Claimant for Compensation and Organs for compensatory Obligations
Article 6
The aggrieved citizen, legal person or other organization shall have
the right to claim compensation.
Where the aggrieved citizen is deceased, his successor or other
relatives with maintenance relation shall have the right to claim
Where the aggrieved legal person or other organization has terminated,
the legal person or other organization which succeeds its rights shall
have the right to claim compensation.
Article 7
Where an administrative organ and its personnel infringe upon the
lawful rights and interests of a citizen, a legal person or other
organization and cause damage when exercising its administrative functions
and powers, the organ shall be responsible for fulfilling compensatory
Two administrative organs or more which infringe upon the lawful
rights and interests of a citizen, legal person or other organization and
cause damage when exercising their joint administrative functions and
powers, shall be the organs under joint compensatory obligations.
An organization authorized by law which infringes upon the lawful
rights and interests of a citizen, legal person or other organization and
causes damage when exercising its authorized administrative powers, shall
be the organ under compensatory obligations.
An organization or individual entrusted by an administrative organ
infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of a citizen, legal person
or other organization and causes damage when exercising the entrusted
administrative powers, shall be the organ under compensatory obligations.
Where the organ for compensatory obligation has been abolished, the
administrative organ that continues to exercise the abolished organ's
functions and powers shall be the organ under compensatory obligation;
where there is no such a continued administrative organ, the
administrative organ that did the abolishment shall be the organ under
compensatory obligations.
Article 8
Where the case has been reconsidered by the organ under
reconsideration, the administrative organ which caused the initial damage
shall be the organ under compensatory obligations; where the
reconsideration decision by the organ for reconsideration aggravates the
damage, the organ for reconsideration shall be liable for the damage
resulting from the aggravation part.

Section 3: Procedure of Compensation
Article 9
The organ for compensatory obligations shall pay compensation in one
of the circumstances as provided for in Article 3 and Article 4 of this
Law once confirmed in accordance with law.
A claimant shall, first, file a claim for compensation with an organ
under compensatory obligations and may, in the meantime, file a claim
when applying for an administrative reconsideration and instituting an
administrative procedure.
Article 10
A claimant may claim compensation from any one of the organs under
joint compensatory obligations and the said organ under compensatory
obligations shall pay compensation first.
Article 11
The claimant may, depending on different injuries suffered, file
several claims for compensation.
Article 12
The claim for compensation shall be filed by presenting an
application, which shall contain the following contents:
(1) name, sex, age, employer and address of the claimant, name and
address of the legal person or other organization and name and post of its
legal representative or main person in charge;
(2) the specific claim, factual basis and reasons; and
(3) the date of application.
Where the claimant has difficulty in writing the application, the
claimant may entrust it with other persons or file a verbal application,
which shall be recorded in writing by the organ under compensatory
Article 13
The organ under compensatory obligations shall, within 2 months from
the date of receipt of the application, pay compensation in accordance
with the provisions of Chapter 4 of this Law; in case of failure by it to
pay compensation within the specific period, or where the claimant is not
satisfied with the amount of compensation, the claimant may, within 3
months from the date of expiration of the period, bring an action in a
people's court.
Article 14
After paying compensation, the organ under compensatory obligations
shall instruct its personnel or the entrusted organization or person who
has committed intentional or grave mistake in the case to bear part or all
of the expenses for damage.
The competent authorities shall, in accordance with law, impose
administrative sanctions on those responsible persons who have committed
intentional or grave mistakes in the case; If the case constitutes a
crime, the criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

Chapter 3 Criminal Compensation

Section 1: Scope of Compensation
Article 15
Where organs and their personnel which exercise the functions and
powers of detection, prosecution, adjudication and administration of
prison cause any of the following infringements upon personal rights when
exercising their functions and powers, the aggrieved person shall have the
right to recover damages:
(1) a wrong detention of a person without criminal facts or without
facts evidencing the person with gross criminal suspicion;
(2) a wrong arrest of a person without criminal facts;
(3) an adjudication of innocence is given to change an original
sentence in the retrial according to the procedure for trial supervision,
and the original sentence of penalty has been executed;
(4) bodily injury to or death of a citizen caused by torture
arrangement or such violent acts as battery or abetting others in battery;
(5) the bodily injury to or decease of a citizen caused by unlawful
use of weapon or police apparatus.
Article 16
Organs and their personnel which exercise the functions and powers of
detection, prosecution, adjudication and administration of prison cause
one of the following infringements upon property rights when exercising
their functions and powers, the aggrieved person shall have the right to
recover damages:
(1) where there is a measure, such as sealing up, distraint, freezing
or recovery of property in violation of law; or
(2) where an adjudication of innocence is given to change an original
sentence in the retrial in accordance with the procedure for retrial
supervision, and the original court supervision of fine or confiscation of
property has been executed.
Article 17
The state shall not be responsible for compensation in any of the
following circumstances:
(1) where a citizen was put into custody or was sentenced criminal
penalty because of his intentionally false confession or falsification of
other evidence of guilt;
(2) where a person, who shall not bear criminal responsibility in
accordance with Article 14 and Article 15 of the Criminal Law, was put
into custody;
(3) where a person, who shall not be prosecuted for criminal
responsibility in accordance with Article 11 of the Criminal procedure
Law, was put into custody;
(4) personal act by the personnel of the organs that exercise the
functions and powers of detection, prosecution, adjudication and
administration of prison, which does not relate to his exercise of the
said functions and powers;
(5) where the damage was caused by such intentional acts as
self-injuring or self-disabling; or
(6) other situations as provided for by law.

Section 2: Claimant for Compensation and Organ for Compensatory Obligations
Article 18
The claimant for compensation shall be determined in accordance with
Article 6 of this Law.
Article 19
Where organs and their personnel which exercise the functions and
powers of detection, prosecution, adjudication and administration of
prison infringe upon the lawful rights and interests of a citizen, legal
person or other organization when exercising their functions and powers,
the organs shall be responsible for fulfilling compensatory obligations.
The organ which makes a wrong decision to detain a person without
criminal facts or a person without facts evidencing gross criminal
suspicion shall be the organ for compensatory obligations.
The organ which makes a wrong decision to arrest a person without
criminal facts shall be the organ for compensatory obligations.
Where a sentence is given to change an original judgment in the
retrial, the people's court which made the original effective judgment
shall be the organ for compensatory obligations. Where an adjudication of
innocence is given to change an original judgment in the second instance,
the people's court which made the judgment of first instance and the organ
which made the decision of arrest shall be the organ for compensatory

Section 3: Procedures of Compensation
Article 20
The organ for compensatory obligations shall pay compensation in any
of the circumstances as provided for in Article 15 and Article 16 of this
Law when confirmed in accordance with law.
Where the claimant for compensation demands the confirmation of one of
the circumstances as provided for in Article 15 and Article 16 of this Law
and the demanded organ refuses to make the confirmation, the claimant
shall have the right to lodge a complaint.
Where the claimant claims compensation, the claim shall, first, be
lodged to the organ for compensatory obligations.
The procedures of compensation shall apply to the provisions of
Article 10, Article 11 and Article 12 of this Law.
Article 21
The organ for compensatory obligations shall, within 2 months from the
date of receipt of the application, pay compensation in accordance with
the provisions of Chapter 4 of this Law; in case of failure by it to pay
compensation within the period specified or where the claimant is not
satisfied with the amount of compensation, the claimant may, within 30
days from the date of expiration of the time limit, apply for
reconsideration by an organ at the next higher level.
Where the organ under compensatory obligations is a people's court,
the claimant for compensation may, pursuant to the provisions of preceding
paragraph, apply to the compensation commission of the people's court at
the next higher level for a decision of compensation.
Article 22
The organ for reconsideration shall, within 2 months from the date of
receipt of the application, make a decision.
Where the claimant for compensation is not satisfied with the
reconsideration decision, he or she may, within 30 days from the date of
receipt of reconsideration decision, apply for a decision of compensation
to the compensation commission of the people's court at the same level at
the place where the organ for reconsideration is located; Failure by the
organ for reconsideration to make a decision within the period specified,
the claimant for compensation may, within 30 days from the date of
expiration of the time period, apply for a decision of compensation to the
compensation commission of the people's court at the same level at the
place where the organ for reconsideration is located.
Article 23
An intermediate people's court or the people's court above the
intermediate level shall set up a compensation commission, which shall
consist of 3 to 7 judges.
The compensation commission shall make a decision of compensation on
the principle of the minority subordinate to the majority.
Where the decision of compensation by the compensation commission is
of validity of law, it must be executed.
Article 24
Having paid compensation, the organ under compensatory obligations
shall recover part or all of the damages from its personnel in any of the
following circumstances:
(1) the circumstances as provided for in Article 15 (4), (5) of this
Law; or
(2) where its personnel embezzle or take bribery and embezzlement or
act wrongly out of personal considerations or commit fraudulent act or
bring in judgment by perverting the law.
The competent authorities shall, in accordance with law, impose
administrative sanctions on those responsible persons who fall in one of
the circumstances as provided for in (1) and (2) of the proceeding
paragraph; If the case constitute a crime, the criminal responsibility
shall be investigated in accordance with law.

Chapter 4 Methods of Compensation and Calculation Standards
Article 25
The main method of state compensation shall be the payment of damages.
Where the property can be returned or can be restored to the original
state, it shall be returned or made restoration to the original state.
Article 26
Where the personal rights of a citizen are infringed upon, the amount
of money for compensation per day shall be calculated according to the
average salary per day of the staff of the state in the preceding year.
Article 27
Where the rights of life and health of a citizen are infringed upon,
the amount of money for compensation per day shall be calculated according
to the following provisions:
(1) Where bodily injury is caused, medical expenses and compensation
for losses of income for absence from work shall be paid. The amount of
money for compensation per day for losses of income shall be calculated
according to the average salary per day of the staff of the state in the
preceding year. The maximum amount shall be five times as much as the
annual average salary of the staff of the state in the preceding year.
(2) Where partial or total loss of the ability to work is caused,
medical expenses and compensation money for disablement shall be paid. The
amount of money for compensation for disablement shall be calculated
according to the seriousness of loss of the ability to work. The maximum
amount of compensation money for partial loss of ability to work shall be
ten times as much as the annual average salary of the staff of the state
in the preceding year. The maximum amount of compensation money for total
loss of ability to work shall be twenty times as much as the annual
average salary of the staff of the state in the preceding year. In case of
total loss of ability to work, living expenses shall be paid to the person
who is maintained by the aggrieved and without ability to work. and
(3) Where decease is caused, compensation money and funeral expenses
shall be paid, the total amount of which shall be twenty times as much as
the annual average salary of the staff of the state in the preceding year.
Living expenses shall be paid to the person who is maintained by the
aggrieved before his or her decease and without ability to work.
The granting of living expenses mentioned in (2) and (3) of the
preceding paragraph shall be made in light of the relevant provisions
concerning subsistence relief promulgated by the local civil
administration department. Should the person maintained be a juvenile, the
living expenses shall be paid until the juvenile reaches the age of 18;

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