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(State Administration of Taxation: 3 December 1993 Coded Guo ShuiFa [1993] No. 139)

Whole Doc.

To the tax bureaus of various provinces, municipalities and
autonomous regions, the tax bureaus of various cities with independent
planning and various sub-bureaus of the Offshore Oil Tax Administration:
In accordance with the stipulations of the Circular of the State
Administration of Taxation on the Shareholding System Pilot Enterprises
Applicable Taxation Legal Question, a document Coded Guo Shui Fa [1993]
No. 087, we hereby clarify as follows the taxation policy question related
to shareholding enterprises which pay various taxes in light of the
external tax law:

I. The taxation handling of asset revaluation and variable- value
(1) With regard to enterprise with foreign investment which are
reorganized or merged with other enterprises into shareholding
enterprises, and the original enterprise with foreign investment which
have cancelled registration with the administrative department for
industry and commerce, their changed value of subscribed shares used as
investment and their book value shall be included in gains and losses of
the original enterprise with foreign investment, and on the basis of which
enterprise income tax is calculated and paid.
(2) If the original enterprise with foreign investment has conducted
taxation handling in accordance with the stipulations of the above clause,
the newly organized shareholding enterprise may re-evaluate the assets of
the original enterprise with foreign investment and affirm their value and
enter it as investment into the account book and, on the basis of which
calculate the depreciation or amortization of the assets; if the original
enterprise with foreign investment has not conducted taxation handling in
accordance with the stipulations of the above clause, that changed value
of the assets of the original enterprise with foreign investment, which is
reassessed by the newly organized shareholding enterprise, shall be
readjusted in light of the method stipulated in Clause (3) of this
(3) If the shareholding enterprise sells shares to society or
increases the issuance of shares and carries out revaluation of various
assets in accordance with related stipulations, the changed value, when
the enterprise declares payment of enterprise income tax, shall not be
included in the enterprise gains and losses and the book value of the
enterprise assets shall not thereby be readjusted. If the enterprise has
made account readjustment in its account book of the changed value of the
re-evaluated assets and has calculated and drawn depreciation or
amortization in accordance with the readjusted number of the account book,
or has charged to cost and expenses by other methods, the enterprise
shall, while declaring annual tax payment, make readjustment by the
following methods:
1) Making yearly readjustments as things really are. The current cost
and expense which are counted more or less than what they should be by the
method of depreciation or amortization in each tax-paying year resulting
from the changed value of the revaluation of assets made by the enterprise
shall be readjusted in the current cost and expense column of the yearly
tax-paying declaration form, the taxable amount of income shall be
increased or decreased correspondingly.
2) Comprehensive readjustments. For the part of change resulting from
the reassessment of the enterprise assets, readjustments may be made to
the current cost and expense items declared for annual tax payment on an
average 10-year period basis without distinguishing the asset projects,
the taxable amount of income shall be increased or decreased
The enterprise may choose either one of the above-mentioned two
methods and report to local competent tax authorities for use after
receiving approval. When declaring for annual tax payment, the enterprise
shall send related calculating materials together to local competent tax
authorities for examination and approval.

II. Questions concerning enjoying regular preferential income tax
reduction and exemption
(1) The regrouping of enterprise with foreign investment or merging
with other enterprises into shareholding enterprises. When the original
enterprise with foreign investment which have performed the procedures for
cancellation of registration with the administrative department for
industry and commerce, the newly organized shareholding enterprise which
simultaneously conform with the following conditions may enjoy regular
preferential tax reduction and exemption in accordance with the
stipulations of Article 8 of the Income Tax Law on enterprise with foreign
investment and Foreign Enterprises (hereinafter referred to as Tax Law).
1) The original enterprise with foreign investment has carried out
tax handling of its reassessed assets in accordance with the stipulations
of Clause (1) of Article 1 of this Circular.
2) The original enterprise with foreign investment whose actual
operational period has not reached the operational time limit for enjoying
related regular preferential tax reduction and exemption as stipulated in
the Tax Law, but it has repaid the already exempted and reduced enterprise
income tax.
If it does not meet the above conditions, the newly organized
shareholding enterprise shall not re-enjoy the regular preferential tax
reduction and exemption as stipulated in Article 8 of the Tax Law. But if
the original enterprise with foreign investment which has not started or
the period has not expired for enjoying regular preferential tax reduction
and exemption in accordance with the stipulations of Article 8 of the Tax
Law, the newly organized shareholding enterprise may continue to enjoy the
above-mentioned preferential tax treatment till expiration of the period
in accordance with the stipulation of the Tax Law.
(2) The shareholding enterprise established by a enterprise with
foreign investment or a foreign investor who invests in the capacity of a
shareholder may enjoy regular preferential reduction and exemption of
enterprise income tax in accordance with the stipulations of Article 8 of
the Tax Law.

III. Tax handling related to the issuance of stocks at a premium For an
enterprise which issues stocks, the part of premium resulting from the
price of the stock issued being higher than the face value of the stocks
is regarded as the rights and interests of the enterprise shareholder, and
not as business profits on which enterprise income tax is to be levied;
during enterprise liquidation, this part shall not included in the taxable
liquidation income.

IV. Questions concerning the treatment of applicable reinvestment tax
In the case of a foreign investor who uses the profits (dividends)
gained from a enterprise with foreign investment or a shareholding
enterprise to buy shares (including secondary shares) of the enterprise,
or shares of any other enterprise, it is not applicable to the
preferential regulations concerning the refunding of tax as set in the Tax








第一章 总则

第一条 为规范企业投资项目核准,推动投资体制改革,根据《中华人民共和国行政许可法》、《国务院关于投资体制改革的决定》(国发〔2004〕20号)和国家发展和改革委员会《企业投资项目核准暂行办法》,结合本市实际,制定本办法。
第二条 在本市行政区域内企业投资项目的核准,适用本办法。
第三条 市人民政府根据国务院发布的《政府核准的投资项目目录》制定并发布《宁波市、县(市)、区政府核准的投资项目目录》,明确实行核准制的投资项目的范围,划分市、县(市)、区政府的核准权限,并根据经济运行情况和宏观调控需要适时予以调整。
第四条 实行核准制的投资项目, 投资人应当按照本办法的规定办理核准手续并按核准的内容进行项目建设。
第五条 本市企业投资项目的核准由市、县(市)、区发展计划行政主管部门负责,其中企业技术改造投资项目核准由市、县(市)、区工业经济行政主管部门负责。
第六条 宁波经济技术开发区管理委员会、宁波大榭开发区管理委员会、宁波保税区管理委员会、宁波市科技园区管理委员会按照县(市)、区政府的权限履行企业投资项目核准职责。
第七条 政府投资主管部门和有关行政管理部门应当加强工作联系和沟通,共享有关管理信息,为投资人申请项目核准提供便利。

第二章 核准程序

第八条 市、县(市)、区政府投资主管部门按照市人民政府颁布的《宁波市、县(市)、区政府核准的投资项目目录》中规定的核准权限,分别对企业投资项目履行核准职责。
第九条 应由国务院投资主管部门核准的企业投资项目,由市政府投资主管部门进行初审并提出意见,报国务院投资主管部门核准;应由国务院投资主管部门核准的中央管理企业、计划单列企业集团、国务院行业主管部门隶属单位的投资项目,可直接报国务院投资主管部门核准,但应附上市政府投资主管部门的意见。
第十条 项目核准按下列程序依次进行:
第十一条 项目申请人向政府投资主管部门进行项目咨询的,项目申请报告与项目咨询登记表中所陈述的行业属性、产品名称应当一致,且两者所陈述的总投资、建设规模相差不得超过10%。
第十二条 政府投资主管部门经审查决定不予核准的项目,应当作出不予核准的决定,说明理由,并抄送相关行政主管部门。
第十三条 项目核准后,应项目申请人的要求,政府投资主管部门可以组织有关行政主管部门进行项目初步设计会审。

第三章 项目概况说明和项目申请报告

第十四条 项目概况说明应当包括下列内容:
第十五条 项目申请报告应当包括下列内容:
第十六条 项目申请人在报送项目申请报告时应当同时提交下列文件:
第十七条 报国务院投资主管部门核准的项目,其项目申请报告应由具有甲级工程咨询资格的机构编制;报市政府投资主管部门核准的项目,其项目申请报告应由具有法定工程咨询资格的机构编制。

第四章 核准时限

第十八条 项目申请人按要求上报材料后,政府投资主管部门经过审查认为符合相关要求的,应当予以受理,并向项目申请人出具受理通知书;对不予受理的,应当出具不予受理通知书。
第十九条 政府投资主管部门在受理申请后认为需要有关咨询机构进行评估的,应当在3个工作日内委托具有法定资格(资质)的咨询机构进行评估。
第二十条 政府投资主管部门在进行核准审查时,对涉及其他行政主管部门职能的事项,应征求相关行政主管部门的意见。
第二十一条 对于可能会对公众利益造成重大影响的项目,政府投资主管部门在进行核准审查时应当征求公众意见,并通过适当方式向公众反馈。对于特别重大的项目,可以实行专家评议制度。
第二十二条 政府投资主管部门应在受理项目申请报告之日起15个工作日内,作出对项目申请是否核准的决定,或向上级项目核准机关提出审核意见。由于情况复杂难以在15个工作日内作出核准决定的,经本机关负责人批准,可以延长7个工作日,并应及时书面通知项目申请人,说明延期理由。

第五章 核准条件、效力和监督

第二十三条 政府投资主管部门根据下列条件对项目进行审查:
第二十四条 项目核准文件有效期为2年,自作出核准决定之日起计算。
第二十五条 已经核准的项目,如需对项目核准文件所规定的内容进行调整的,项目单位应及时以书面形式向政府投资主管部门报告。政府投资主管部门应根据项目调整的具体情况,出具书面确认意见或要求其重新办理核准手续。
第二十六条 有下列情形之一的,政府投资主管部门可以注销项目核准:
第二十七条 禁止项目申请人以拆分项目、提供虚假材料等方式申请核准。
第二十八条 已经核准的项目,项目申请人应当按有关规定定期向政府投资主管部门报送项目进度表,项目完工后应当向政府投资主管部门报送项目完工情况表。
第二十九条 政府投资主管部门应当对项目申请人、工程咨询机构和评估机构在投资项目申请和项目建设中的信用情况进行监督,对其不良信用情况予以记录,并向企业信用管理部门通报。
第三十条 对应报政府投资主管部门核准而未申报,或者虽然申报但未经核准的项目,国土资源、环境保护、规划、质量、证券、外汇、安全生产、水资源、海关等行政主管部门不得办理相关手续,金融机构不得发放贷款。
第三十一条 市政府投资主管部门应当每年定期对各县(市)、区政府及宁波经济技术开发区、宁波大榭开发区、宁波保税区、宁波市科技园区的项目核准工作进行监督检查,并逐步建立项目管理数据库。

第六章 法律责任

第三十二条 违反本办法第四条的规定,未办理核准手续或未按核准的内容进行项目建设的,政府投资主管部门应当立即责令其停止建设,并按照有关法律、行政法规的规定予以处理。
第三十三条 违反本办法第二十七条规定,项目申请人以拆分项目、提供虚假材料等方式获得核准的,政府投资主管部门应当撤销核准,责令其停止建设,并依法追究有关责任人的责任。
第三十四条 政府投资主管部门工作人员,在项目核准过程中滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊、索贿受贿的,依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
第三十五条 工程咨询机构、评估机构及其工作人员,在咨询、评估过程中违反职业道德、造成重大损失和恶劣影响的,依法追究相应责任。

第七章 附 则

第三十六条 非企业组织、个人投资建设《宁波市、县(市)、区政府核准的投资项目目录》范围内的项目,按照本办法予以核准。
第三十七条 本市外商投资项目、境外投资项目的核准,按照有关规定执行。
第三十八条 本办法自2005年4月15日起施行。





